We have puppies, born January 10, 2025, from Dahmrak's Nookoo and our Graham. Pictures on the puppypage.
Happy New Year 2025
We wish all friends and acquaintances a Merry Christmas.
Dahmrak's Toni has taken first place on the top list of wolfhounds in Holland. We congratulate the Blume family on their success.
Dahmrak´s Acushla, Offene Klasse, V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB, ""Landessieger Nordbayern""
We congratulate Frau Gerber on her success.
Glum Killkapi, Jugendlasse, V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BR, ""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2024"", ""Jugend Best in Show""
Dahmrak´s Ian, Jugendklasse, V1, CAC, VDH
We warmly congratulate Mr. Krüll-Mecking on his success with Dahmrak's Ian in Gelsenkirchen.
Dahmrak´s Luxor, Jugendklasse, V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgs.VDH, Jgd.BOS, ""Jugend Autum Winner 2024""
Dahmrak´s Luxi, Jugendlasse, V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BH,""Jugend Autum Winner 2024""
Dahmraks Quaryl, Offene Klasse, V1, CAC, VDH
We congratulate Fam.Kieselhorst on her succses.
Dahmrak´s Luxor, Jugendklasse, sg3
Dahmrak´s Luxi, Jugendlasse, V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""Jugend Westfalensieger 2024""
Dahmraks Quaryl, Offene Klasse, V1, CAC, VDH,BH, BOB, ""Westfalensieger 2024""
We congratulate Fam.Kieselhorst on her succses.
Dahmrak´s Opium, Jüngstenklasse, VV1, Baby BOB
""Schönster Kopf der Ausstellung""
Dahmraks Jorath, Offene Klasse, V2, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Just a Girl, Offene Klasse, V2, Res.VDH
We congratulate the Koch family and the Nagel family on their succsess at Volkmarsen.
Dahmrak´s Fiona, Zwischenklasse, V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, BH, BOB
Dahmrak´s Frumpy, Offene Klasse, V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, BR, BOS
We congratulate the Kannegieser family on their success.
Glum Killkapi, Jugendklasse,V1, Jgd.VDH,Jgd.CAC, Jgd.CACIB, Jgd.BOB
Dahmrak´s Ian, Jugendklasse, V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BR, BOB
""Landesjugendsieger Reinland 2024""
We warmly congratulate Mr. Krüll-Mecking on his success with Dahmrak's Ian in Gelsenkirchen.
Dahmrak´s Finette, Zwischenklasse, V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB, ""Ostalbsieger 2024""
Dahmrak´s Finni, Offene Klasse, V1, CAC, VDH
Dahmrak´s Eltin, Zwischenklasse, sg1
Dahmrak´s Ian, Jugendklasse, V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BR, BOB
We warmly congratulate Mr. Krüll-Mecking on his success with Dahmrak's Ian in Gelsenkirchen.
Toni was on the road again and won the title of GRAND CHAMPION in Romania.
We warmly congratulate him on his success
Dahmrak´s Toni Edwin, V1, Reserve CACIB
We congratulate the Blume family on becoming Polish Champion with their Dahmrak's Toni Edwin
Dahmraks Yorath, Offene Kasse V1, CAC, VDH
We congratulate Ms. Karita Willberg and Ms. Kaija Ahola on their successes and the INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION FCI with their Dahmrak's Hulk Hogan.
We congratulate the Blume family on the many successes and titles with their Dahmras Toni Edwin
Dt.Jugendchampion IWC
Jgd.German Winner
Jgd.Champion VDH
Grand Champion Slowenien, 3.Pl.BOG
Schweizer Champion + Schweizer Ausstellungs Champion
Schweizer Alpensieger 2022
Luxemburg Champion
Champion Litauen
Champion Kroatien
Champion Rumänien
Champion San Marino
Internationaler Champion
Ungarischer Champion + Show Champion Ungarn
VDH Champion
A Happy New Year 2024
We wish all friends and acquaintances a Merry Christmas.
Update and new photos females, males and Joungster
Dahmraks Eltin, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BOB,""Jugend Best in Show""
Dahmraks Finni, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Wallina, Offene Klasse V2, Res.CAC
Dahmraks Fiona, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB,""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2023""
Dahmraks Finette, Jugendklasse V2, Jgd.Res.CAC, Jgd.Res.VDH
We congratulate Melanie Kieselhorst on her success at the two-day show on June 24th and 25th, 2023 in Stadthagen. Dahmrak's Quaryl received V1, CAC, VDH, Best Bitch and BOB on both days
We congratulate the Blume family and their Dahmrak's Toni Edwin on their new title, the Swiss Beauty Champion
We congratulate the Koch family on their success in Hamburg. Dahmraks Yorath got V1 and Res CAC.
We congratulate the Blume family on their success with Dahmraks Toni in San Marino. Toni got BOB, CACIB and is now San Marino Champion.
Dahmrak's Yorath got V1, CAC, VDH, best male and BOB for the best Irish Wolfhound of the show at the CAC Show in Hoope today. We congratulate the Koch family on their success and continued success in 2023
We congratulate the Blume family on their success with Dahmraks Toni in Slovenia. Toni got BOB and is now International Champion at only 2.5 years old.
We wish ALL friends and acquaintances a healthy NEW YEAR 2023
We wish all friends and acquaintances a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We congratulate the Blume family and Dahmraks Toni on their new success in Lithuania. Toni got three times CAC and CACIB, also he is now Champion Lithuania.
We congratulate the Magdalene family and Dahmraks Tia Teleki on their WINNER OF THE YEAR 2022 and the best wolfhound of the show.
We congratulate the Blume family and Dahmraks Toni on their new success in Luxembourg in the champion class. Toni has now fulfilled the conditions for the LUXEMBURG Champion.
We congratulate the Koch family and Dahmraks Yorath on the YEARS YOUTH WINNER 2022 in Göhlsdorf.
We congratulate Magdalene with Dahmraks Tia Teleki (Club Winner 2022 and BOB), Dahmraks Siegfried (Excellent 1, CAC) on the new exhibition successes at the IWC Club Winner Show 2022 in Bochum.
Also congratulations to Mrs. Kieselhorst with her Dahmraks Quaryl on Exc.2 and Res.CAC in Bochum.
Our family Koch was again successful in Hoope and Dahmraks Yorath got the youngest BIS in Hoope. We would like to congratulate you here too.
We congratulate Magdalene with Dahmraks Tia Teleki and Dahmraks Siegfried on the super show success in Budapest / Hungary
Europajugendsieger, Jgd.BOB und BOB, Jgd.Res.BIS und Best in Show by the adult dogs
Congratulations to the Nagel family on first place at Helloween Coursing in Landstuhl with their Dahmraks Just a girl. And of course the Koch family with their Dahmraks Highlander for the great runs and 4th place among 5 bitches. Is a great achievement at the age of 6.5 years.
We congratulate Fam.Blume and Dahmraks Toni on the Dt.Jgd.Champion in the IWC
We congratulate Magdalena and Dahmraks Tia Teleki on the Dt.Jgd.Champion in the IWC
Congratulations to the Nagel family and Dahmraks Just a Girl on their Dt.Jgd.Champion in the DWZRV
Dahmraks Kithara, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB,""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2020""
Dahmraks Kiowa, Jugendklasse V3
Mighty Hunter´s Ben Hur, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB
Dahmraks Graham, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Passionata, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOS
Dahmraks Now or never, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB, ""Jahressieger 2019"" and ""Best in Show""
Dahmraks Hope the best, Siegerklasseklasse V1, VDH
Dahmraks Xperience, Zwischenklasse V
Dahmraks Ionagh, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC, VDH
Mighty Hunter´s Ben Hur, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB
Dahmraks Xperience, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BH, Jgd.BOB, BOS
Dahmraks Now or never, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB, ""Landessieger Nordbayern 2019""
Dahmraks Zambesi, Jugendklasse sg2
Dahmraks Xperience, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, ""Landessieger Nordbayern 2019""
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Dahmraks Hope the best, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB, ""Landessieger Hessen Thüringen""
Dahmraks Xperience, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BH, Jgd.BOB, BOS, ""Landesjugendsiger Hessen-Thüringen""
Dahmraks Hope the best, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB, ""Best in Show""
Dahmraks Xperience, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
We have puppies, born 5.9.18 from Dahmraks Neela and Dahmraks Here I am.
Dahmraks Here I am, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB und bestes Gangwerk
Landessieger Nds/SA, ""Jahressieger 2018"", 3.Platz Best in Show
Mighty Hunter´s Ben Hur, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Landesjugendsieger Nds/SA, ""Jahresjugendsieger 2018"", 2.Platz Best in Show
Dahmraks Passionata, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOS
Landessiegerin Nds/SA, ""Jahressiegerin 2018""
Every year, the annual exhibitions of each breed are the highlights of the year. The annual exhibition in Hildesheim 2018 was well organized by the sports friends in Hildesheim and the team of our breeding committee chairman Mr. Wolfgang Müller and his wife Viola. As special judge Mrs. Sue Cole from Great Britain, kennel Culkeeran, could be invited. There were about 70 quality IW's at the start. In the youth class male convinced our Mighty Hunters Ben Hur. Many thanks to Rüdiger Jaacks that he has left us these great guy. Our Dahmraks Passionata won the bitches. Her half-brother Dahmraks Here I am became the best Irish Wolfhound of the show and had the best movement of all IW's on the show. Here I am and Passionata are children of our unique Dahmraks Morgaine. Morgaine has also won many titles and exhibitions and was like her daughter Passionata World Youth Winner. She had three litters, each with outstanding children. We would like to thank Mrs.Sue Cole for the faire on this way, as well as all the organizers of the exhibition for this successful day.
Dahmraks Here I am, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB
Mighty Hunter´s Ben Hur, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Very Happy, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Vanilla, Jugendklasse sg2
The European Championship in Coursing was held in 2018 in Denmark. Dahmrak's Highlander, owned by Familie Koch, qualified automatically by winning the 2017 European Coursing Championship in Switzerland. He managed to run the starred title for the second time in a row. In the ranking for Coursing is Highländer in Germany ranked 1 and also in Europe on rank 1. Congratulations to Gesine and Reinhard.
Dahmraks Now or never, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, BR, BOB, ""Landessieger Thüringen 2018""
Dahmraks Here I am, Offene Klasse V2, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Now or never, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB
Dahmraks Here I am, Offene Klasse V3
Dahmraks Here I am, Offene Klasse V3
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Dahmraks Xquisit, Siegerklasse V
Dahmraks Now or Never, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, Res.CACIB
Dahmraks Now or Never, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOS
Twenty-year-old membership in the German Windhund breed and racing association E. V. (DWZRV). How the time flies. In 1997, I joined as a member of DWZRV. With the purchase of a showgreyhound, going back to the precious bloodlines of the Fam.Knauberand out of the kennel from Mr.Renner, I stumbled into the exhibition. Of course, I had support from the Fam.Knauber, which gave me then valuable type for exhibition and breeding. Thank you again. At that time, I recognized the ideal club structure of the DWZRV, which had a well-organized exhibition and racing all over Germany. In the year 2000, the first Irish wolfhound came to us. I quickly realized that it was very difficult to acquire a correct dog. The realization of this was to breed a beautiful (correct) Irish Wolfhound. A great help was my husband (long-time Doberman breeders and trainers), who had a trained eye for correct dogs and, of course, also mastered the basic principles of dog breeding. The exhibitions serve to challenge the competition to different judges from Germany and abroad in order to learn the quality of their dogs. So it was more and more often that I was placed in the front with my dogs. After reviewing my documents, I once counted our achieved championships, which have won dogs from my Dahmrak's kennel. There are up to now about 300 entry able titles, which are entered into the ancestor chart. Among them are World champion, European, Federal, Verbandssieger, Junior Winner, VDH / DWZRV, IWC Clupsieger, German coursing winner, Europeancoursingwinner, winner of beauty and power, Regional winner, Winner Donaueschingen, come to that title yet the dogs of us in America, Mexico, Canada and many European countries. At this point I would like to thank all those who gave us your males for their breeding. Particularly with Mr. Jürgen Rössner Zwinger from the Oelmühle, who always gave us his top coverings at all times. At this point, we would like to thank Mr. Jürgen Rösner, in memory of Mr.Jürgen Papenfuß, and to all the judges who have made these successes possible.
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V2, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Now or never, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""Verbandsjugendsieger 2017""
Dahmraks Hope the best, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Highländer EUROPACOURSINGSIEGER 2017
Dahmraks Now or never, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2017""
Dahmraks Now or never, Jugendklasse sg3
Dahmraks Now or never, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, ""Europajugendsieger 2017""
Dahmraks Now or never, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, ""Landesjugendsieger Thüringen 2017""
Dahmraks Now or never, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Now or never, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
We wish all friends and acquaintances a nice and peaceful Christmas celebration as well as health, happiness and success for the new year.
Dahmraks Here I am, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BR, ""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern""
Dahmraks Hope the Best, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
At the end of October 2016 we expect puppies from Dahmraks Neesha and Arran of Loxten Manor.
Dahmraks Here I am, Zwischenklasse, V1, VDH, CAC, BR, BOB
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, VDH
Dahmraks Hope the best, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jdg.VDH, BR, BOB, 4.Platz BIS
Dahmraks Hope the best, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jdg.VDH, BR
Dahmraks Here I am, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jdg.VDH
Dahmraks Hope the best, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jdg.VDH, BR
Dahmraks Here I am, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jdg.VDH
Dahmraks Here I am, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, Jgd.""Best in Show""
Dahmraks Here I am, Jugendklasse V4
Dahmraks Highness, Jugendklasse sg2
Dahmraks I am here, Jugendklasse V
Dahmraks I am here, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks I am here, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BR
Dahmraks Here I am, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jdg. BOB
In 2015 Dahmraks IW's achieved the following titles:
Merry christmas and a happy new year to all our friends.
Dahmraks Crystin, Jugendklasse, V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, ""Bundesjugendsieger 2015""
Dahmraks Dianagh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Dianagh, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
CACIB Erfurt
Dahmraks Passionata, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, BOS, BH, ""Landessieger Thüringen 2018""
Mighty Hunter´s Ben Hur, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Ionagh, Zwischenklasse V1, Res.CAC, VDH
Mighty Hunter´s Ben Hur, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Passionata, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BOS, BH
ES Dortmund
Dahmraks Ionagh, Offene Klasse V2, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Passionata, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, Res.CACIB
CACIB Chemnitz
Dahmraks Ionagh, Offene Klasse V4
Leipzig World Winner
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V2, Res. VDH
Dahmraks Passionata, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""World JUNIOR WINNER 2017""
What a successful year, our third participation in a World Winner Show brought us the third World Youth Championship title.
Passionata's dam Dahmraks Morgaine World Youth Winner 2012 in Salzburg and her great-grandmother Dahmrak's Fancy Price World Youth Winner 2003 in Dortmund.
We thank Mrs. Krah-Heiermann for the faire judge.
Leipzig German Winner
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V2, Res. VDH, Res.CACIB
Dahmraks Passionata, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""GERMAN JUNIOR WINNER 2017""
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V1, VDH, CAC, BH, BOB, 3.Pl.BIS
Dahmraks Peggy Sue, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
We sincerely congratulate Familie Koch and her Highländer to this further success.
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V1, VDH, Res.CAC
Dahmraks Peggy Sue, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V1, VDH
Dahmraks Passionata, Jugendklasse, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BH, BOS
VBS Köln
Dahmraks Passionata, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, ""Verbandsjugendsieger 2017""
Dahmraks Hope the best, Offene Klasse, V1, CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Waleska, Sieger Klasse V1, VDH
LS Eilenburg
Dahmraks Dianagh, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB, ""Landessieger Sachsen 2017""
Dahmraks Passionata, Jugendklasse, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""Landesjugendsieger Sachsen 2017
We sincerely congratulate Gesine Koch and her Highländer on this great success.
LS Trautskirchen
Dahmraks Neela, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, ""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2017""
Dahmraks Hope the best, Offene Klasse, CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB, ""Landessieger Nordbayern 2017""
JAS Gelsenkirchen
Dahmraks Neela, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd VDH
Dahmraks Ionagh, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Waleska, Siegerklasse V1, VDH, ""Jahressieger 2017 und Landessieger NRW 2017""
Europasieger Dortmund
Dahmraks Neela, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""Europajugendsieger 2017""
Dahmraks Waleska, Sieger Klasse V1, VDH, CACIB, BH, BOS, ""Europasieger 2017""
CACIB Erfurt
Dahmraks Neela, Jugendklasse sg2
Dahmraks Dianagh, Offene Klasse V2, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Hope the best, Zwischenklasse, V1, Res.CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Neele, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Xquisit, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOS
CACIB Chemnitz
Dahmraks Neele, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Yasumi, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
LS Trautskirchen
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Xquisit, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB, ""Landessieger Nordbayern""
Bundessieger Dortmund
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V1, Jdg.CAC, Jgd.VDH, ""BUNDESJUGENDSIEGER 2016""
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V2, Res.CAC, Res.VDH, Res.CACIB
LS Mammendorf
""Landessieger Südbayern 2016""
Dahmraks Xquisit, Offene Klasse, V1, VDH, CAC, BH, BOB
LS Klaffenbach
""Landesjugendsieger Sachsen 2016
Dahmraks Highness, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Landesjugendsieger Sachsen 2016
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
Landessieger Sachsen 2016
Dahmraks Waleska, Offene Klasse, V1, VDH, CAC, BH
Landessieger Sachsen 2016
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Dianagh, Offene Klasse, V1, VDH, CAC, BH, BOB
VBS Köln
""Verbandsjugendsieger 2016
Dahmraks Highness, Jugendklasse V2,Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Morgaine, Sieger Klasse V2, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Waleska, Offene Klasse, V2, Res.VDH, Res.CAC
Dahmraks Highness, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BOB
Dahmraks Xquisit, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
Erfurt CAC/VDH
Dahmraks Highness, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BOB, 3.Platz Best in Group
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
Nörten Hartenberg
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V3
JAS in Nörten Hartenberg
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V
Dahmraks Vacancy, Offene Klasse V
Dahmraks Morgaine, Siegerklasse V4
"" Bestes Gangwerg"" von 104 gemeldeten Hündinnen.
Dahmraks Catreena, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Europasieger Dortmund
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V3
Dahmraks Morgaine, Siegerklasse V1, VDH,CACIB,BH, BOB
""EUROPASIEGER 2016"", 1.Platz Best of Group
CAC Greppin
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Catreena, Zwischen Klasse V2, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
CAC Chemnitz
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, BH, BOB
Dahmraks Dianagh, Zwischen Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
CACIB Chemnitz
Dahmraks Ionagh, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Catreena, Zwischen Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, BOB, 2.Platz Best in Show
Dahmraks Vacancy, DWZRV Champion, VDH Champion, Landessieger Sachsen 2015
Dahmraks Tarlogh, DWZRV Champion, VDH Champion, Landessieger Thüringen 2015
Dahmraks Tramheir, DWZRV Champion, VDH Champion, Landessieger Thüringen 2015
Dahmraks Dianagh, DWZRV Jgd.Champion, Landessieger Norbayern 2015
Dahmraks Catreena, DWZRV Jgd.Champion, Landessieger Sachsen 2015, BIS Klaffenbach 2015
Dahmraks Crystin, DWZRV Jgd.Champion, Europajugendsieger 2015, VBS Jugendsieger 2015, Bundesjugendsieger 2015
Dahmraks Yustin, Landessieger Nordbayern 2015
Dahmraks Xquisit, Landessieger Nordbayern 2015
Dahmraks Magnus Opus, Scandinavian Winner 2015
Dahmraks Twilight, Swedischer Champion
Dahmraks Xcelsior, American Grand Chgampion
Dahmraks Almansur, DWZRV Jgd. Champion
We congratulate the owners for their sucess.
Congratulations to Mrs. Gerber to your success with Dahmraks Crystin.
Dahmraks Waleska, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Dahmraks Catreena, Zwischen Klasse V1, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Yasumi, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Dahmraks Catreena, Zwischen Klasse V1, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Dianagh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Waleska, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Dahmraks Catreena, Zwischen Klasse V1, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOS Landessieger Nordbayern 2015
Dahmraks Dianagh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2015
Dahmraks Xquisit, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB, Landessieger Nordbayern 2015
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB
Dahmraks Dianagh, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Xquisit, Offene Klasse V2, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Catreena, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB ""Jugend Best in Show""
Dahmraks Xquisit, Offene Klasse V2, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmraks Yustin, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Catreena, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BH, Jgd BOB ""Landesjugendsieger Sachsen 2015""
Dahmraks Vacancy, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, ""Landessieger Sachsen 2015""
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Offene Klasse, V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, "" Landessieger Thüringen 2015 ""
Dahmraks Tramheir, Siegerklasse, V1, VDH, CACIB, BOB, "" Landessieger Thüringen 2015 ""
Dahmraks Vacancy, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Crystin, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, "" Landesjugendsieger Thüringen 2015 ""
Dahmraks Almansur, Jugendklasse, V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Offene Klasse, sg2
Dahmraks Vacancy, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BOB, CACIB
Dahmraks Almansur, Jugendklasse, V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.BOB, BR
Dahmraks Catreena, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Tramheir, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Dahmraks Crystin, Jugendklasse, V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, ""Jahresjugendsieger 2015""
Congratulations to Mrs. Gerber to your success with Dahmraks Crystin with a competition of 14 dogs in the class.
We wish all our friends in this way a Merry Christmas Time.
Dahmraks Xquisit, Jugendklasse V
Dahmraks Vacancy, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH
Dortmund was once again a great experience with great success. Dahmrak's dogs combined with other Kennels, could achieve very good results and titles.
So also Dahmrak Hanlon's Bundesjugendsieger 2010, Bundessieger 2011, Winners of a century 2011, could emerge to a successful sire.
Two of his children, All I want from the Oelmühle Jgd. VDH, Jgd.CAC, Federal Junior Winner 2014 and Avec charm of the Oelmühle, Jgd. VDH, Jgd.CAC, Jgd. BOB, BOS,
Federal Youth Champion 2014, won the coveted title.
Another son of Hanlon, Edwin v.d.Oelmühle V3 in the open class.
Hellboy of Averlon from Dahmrak's Saorla got V1 VDH, Res.CACIB in the champion class and was Vice - Federal Champion.
Dahmrak's Waylon, a promising young male, was in the junior class SG. Waylon has well presented and done well.
This good result still rounds out the Junior World Winner 2014 in Finland Filomeidas Muadhnait, a daughter of Dahmrak's Magnum Opus.
Magnum Opus, a son of Dahmrak's Eoghan self is a very successful show dog in Norway.
At this point we again congratulate ALL about your success.
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Siegerklasse, V1, VDH, BR, BOB, ""Landessieger Sachsen""
Dahmraks Xquisit, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB, ""Landesjugendsieger Sachsen""
Dahmraks Waleska, Zwischenklasse V, CAC, VDH, BH, ""Landessieger Sachen""
Dahmraks Viktory, Offene Klasse V3
Dahmraks Yamina, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Waleska, Jugendklasse sg1
Dahmraks Rosaleen, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VHD, BH, BOB
Now Rosaleen is German Champion DWZRV.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY our Kidney to your 10th birthday
Dahmraks Vacancy, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
"" IW Jahresjugendsieger und Junior-Winner Donaueschingen 2014""
Dahmraks Wylon, Jugendklasse V4
Dahmraks Morgaine, Siegerklasse V3
Dahmraks Rosaleen, Offene Klasse sg
Dahmraks Yustin, Dahmraks Wylon und Dahmraks Xquisit are Jugendchampions at the DWZRV.
Dahmraks Ryan, Offene Klasse V1, VDH, CAC, "" Landessieger Sachsen 2014""
Dahmraks Tramheir, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH,"" Landessieger Sachsen 2014""
Dahmraks Xquisit, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BH, ""Landesjugendsieger Sachsen 2014""
Dahmraks Yustin, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BR, Jdg.BOB, BOB, ""Landesjugendsieger Sachsen 2014""
Dahmraks Yustin, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BR
Dahmraks Yamina, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Vacancy, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Dahmraks Ryan, Offene Klasse V2, Re.VDH, Res.CAC
Dahmraks Rosaleen, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH
Dahmraks Vacancy, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
"" Verbandsjugendsieger 2014 ""
Dahmraks Yustin, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
"" Verbandsjugendsieger 2014 ""
What a weekend! Cologne was worth a visit. Germany celebrates its 4. Worldwinnertitle and our Dahmraks IW's 21. and 22. Verbandssieger title. Two promising young dogs from our crew won again 2 Verbandssieger title for our kennel.
At this point we would like to thank the organizers of the VB for the excellent organization and for directing Mr. Dux again.
Dahmraks Ryan, Offeneklasse V1, VDH, CAC, BR, BOB
Dahmraks Vacancy, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOS
Dahmraks Xquisit, Jugendkalsse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Yasumi, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, CAC, BR, BOS
Dahmraks Yustin, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Xquisit, Jugendkalsse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Yasumi, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, Res.CAC
Dahmraks Yustin, Jugend Klasse V3
Dahmraks Tramheir, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, CAC, BH
"" Landessieger Hessen Thüringen2014 ""
Dahmraks Viktory, Jugend Klasse V3
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, CAC, CACIB, BR, BOB
"" Europasieger 2014 ""
Dahmraks Tramheir, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, Res.CAC
Dahmraks Rosaleen, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, BH
"" Europasieger 2014 ""
Dahmraks Vacancy, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
"" Europajugendsieger 2014 ""
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, CAC, BR
"" Landessieger Nordbayern 2014 ""
Dahmraks Tramheir, Zwischenklasse V1, VDH, Res.CAC
Dahmraks Viktory, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB
"" Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2014 ""
Dahmraks Vacancy, Jugendklasse sg
We wish all our friends in this way a Merry Christmas Time.
As every year, we finished the exhibition season in 2013 with the participation of the Federal Winner Show in Dortmund.
It was very successful again this year .
Outstanding was our Dahmraks Eoghan , who has won all four titles Look 2013. Irish Wolfhound winner, European champion , Federation winner and national winners .
His children were able to convince .
Dahmraks Ryan was Irish Wolfhound years junior winner and DWZRV Junior Champion .
Dahmraks Rosaleen Irish Wolfhound Jahresjugendsiegerin , European Winner , Junior Champion DWZRV
Dahmraks Morgaine European Winner , Association champion , VDH Champion and Champion DWZRV .
Dahmraks Tramheir DWZRV National Youth Champion and Junior Champion .
Dahmraks Tarlogh DWZRV Junior Champion .
Dahmraks Norbert IWC Club winner.
Dahmraks Jabura DWZRV champion.
Even our dogs could also win 9 national winner title . With the two Verbandssieger titles in Cologne in 2013 our dogs have already received the 20th Association title winner in the 11th year of issue for our kennel .
Another personal record for our kennel is also the gain of 10 of 16 tracks on the four major titles shows.
At this point we would like to thank all the judges and all the helpers , only allowing the exhibitions , to thank .
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.VDH, Res.Jgd.CAC
Dahmraks Tramheir, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.BOB
Dahmraks Eoghan, Siegerklasse V1, CACIB, VDH
Dahmraks Morgaine, Siegerklasse V2, Res.VDH
We are very proud of our Dahmraks Eoghan. With the Bundessiegertitel 2013 He has winning this year, all four major titles as well Europasieger, Verbandssieger and the Irish Wolfhound Jahressieger. His children were very successful in 2013, too. Dahmraks Tramheir Bundesjugendsiegerin, Dahmraks Ryan IW Jahresjugendsieger, Dahmraks Rosaleen Europajugendsiegerin and IW Jahresjugendsiegerin, Dahmraks Morgaine Europasieger and Verbandsieger, Dahmraks Norbert IWC Clubsieger.
Dahmraks Tarlogh and Tramheir are juniorchampions in DWZRV.
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC,Jgd.BOB, BR, BOB
Dahmrak´s Tramheir, Jugendklasse V2, Res.Jgd.VDH, Res.Jgd.CAC
Dahmrak´s Jabura, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH
Jabura finished today the German Championtitel at the DWZRV.
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC,Jgd.BOB
""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern""
Dahmrak´s Tramheir, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC
""Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern""
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH
""Landessieger Nordbayern""
Dahmrak´s Ryan, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BR, BOB
""Landessieger Nordbayern""
Tarlogh and Tramheir are Jugendchampion at the DWZRV. We are very proud to have received all four national titles, the winners are our promising young dogs.
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, BR, Jgd.BOB, BOB
""Landesjugendsieger Sachen""
Dahmrak´s Tramheir, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC
""Landesjugendsieger Sachsen""
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH
""Landessieger Sachsen""
Dahmraks Tarlogh, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, BR
Dahmrak´s Tramheir, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.BOB
Dahmrak´s Quantina, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Dahmraks Eoghan, Siegerklasse V1, BOS, VDH
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Offene Klasse V1, CAC, VDH, BOS, BOB
Dahmrak´s Tarlogh, Jugendklasse V
Dahmrak´s Tramheir, Jugendklasse V3
Dahmraks Rosaleen and Ryan are Jugendchampions at the DWZRV.
Cuantroime Aireamh, Offene Klasse V, CAC,VDH,BR,""Landessieger Hessen-Thüringen""
Dahmrak´s Jabura, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC,VDH,
Dahmrak´s Ryan, Jugendklasse sg1
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, Jgd.BOB,""Landesjugendsieger Hessen-Thüringen 2013
Dortmund European Dog Show 2013 was worth the trip. Our successful exhibition team from the Irish Wolfhound - Annual Exhibition 2013 was able to repeat your success on the European Dog Show of the VDH. With three out of four European Champion titles and a sensational Best in Group at Judge Greg Eva (RSA), Dahmraks Morgaine could go one better. As Judge Mrs. Müller from Switzerland was invited. Many thanks to you and the team of DWZRV. Enclosed are the results of the individual dogs.
Dahmrak´s Eoghan, Sieger Klasse V1,VDH,CACIB,BOS
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH,CACIB,BOB,BIG
Dahmrak´s Ryan, Jugendklasse V2,Res.Jgd.CAC,Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB
On the Irish Wolfhound annual exhibition at 04/20/2013 in Greppin, the Topshow of Breed Irish Wolfhounds, the triple (3 of 4 titles accessible), we have succeeded.
This is the third time on title shows. We are particularly pleased that our Dahmraks Eoghan and two of his children are involved in this success.
After reviewing the list of participants, we noticed that another 7 dogs (descendants of Dahmraks males) were evaluated with vorzüglich and were part of the placement.
Dr.Frederic Maison acted as judges from France, President of the French IW Club.
Many thanks to Him and our race officer Mr. Müller for the great organization.
Dahmrak´s Eoghan, Sieger Klasse V1,VDH
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH
Dahmrak´s Ryan, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,BR,Jgd.BOB,BOS
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH
Dahmrak´s Jabura, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH,BH,BOB
Dahmrak´s Ryan, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Jugendklasse V2,Res.Jgd.CAC,Res.Jgd.VDH
The show season 2012 is over.
Like every year to participate in the Bundessiegerausstellung is our last show. After a review of the individual events, it was another very successful year. A total of 16 winners titles our dogs as much gain as never before.Here is a short list.
Dahmraks Morgaine
Weltjugendsieger 2012 in Salzburg,
World Club Jugendwinner 2012 ÖKZV,
Europajugendsiegersieger BOB, 2 Platz BOG
Verbandsjugendsieger 2012, BOB, Jgd. Best in Show
Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern 2012
Jugendchampion DWZRV
Dahmraks Eoghan
Europasieger 2012, BOS
Verbandssieger 2012
Deutscher Champion VDH
Dahmraks Jabura
Verbandssieger 2012
Dahmraks Quantina
Bundesjugendsieger 2012
Jugendchampion DWZRV
Dahmraks Fionagh
Deutscher Champion DWZRV
Gruna 2012 Best in Show
Dahmraks Fianait
Deutscher Champion DWZRV
Landessieger Sachen 2012
Dahmraks Pegasus
Jugendchampion DWZRV
With the 3 associationtitles 2012 in Cologne, this is already the 18th Association title winners of different dogs from our kennel in 10 years
. At this point we would like to thank all the people who participated in the exhibitions, and of course all judges for your fair judgment.
Dahmrak´s Quantina, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC, VDH, Res.CACIB
Dahmrak´s Gwenifhar, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH,BH
Dahmrak´s Ryan, Jugendklasse sg2
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH
Dahmrak´s Gwenifhar, Offene Klasse V3
Dahmrak´s Ryan, Jugendklasse V4
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen, Jugendklasse V4
Dahmrak´s Fianait, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH
Dahmrak´s Quantina Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BH, Jgd.BOB, Jgd. Best in Show
Dahmrak´s Fianait, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH,BH,BOB, "Landessieger Sachsen2012"
Dahmrak´s Quantina Jugendklasse sg1
Dahmrak´s Neesha Jugendklasse sg3
Dahmrak´s Fionagh, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH,BH,BOB
Dahmrak´s Prinzess Jugendklasse sg2
Dahmrak´s Fionagh, Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH,BH,BOB,Best in Show
Dahmrak´s Pegasus Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,BR,Jgd.BOB
Dahmrak´s Quantina Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmrak´s Neesha Jugendklasse sg2
Dahmrak´s Eoghan, Siegerklasse V1, VDH,BOS
Dahmrak´s Morgaine Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB und BOB
Dahmrak´s Jabura Offene Klasse V1,CAC,VDH
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen Jüngstenklasse VVsp1,Jüngsten BOB
Cuantroime Aireamh, Zwischenklasse, V1, CAC,VDH,BR,BOB
Dahmrak´s Fionagh, Offene Klasse V2,Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmrak´s Pegasus Jugendklasse sg1
Dahmrak´s Quantina Jugendklasse V1,Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB
Dahmrak´s Ryan Jüngstenklasse VVsp1
Dahmrak´s Rosaleen Jüngstenklasse VVsp1,Jüngsten BOB und Jüngsten BIS
Cuantroime Aireamh, Zwischenklasse, V1, CAC,VDH
Dahmrak´s Jabura, Offene Klasse V1,CAC, VDH,BH,BOB
Dahmrak´s Pegasus Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmrak´s Prinzess Jugendklasse V2,Res.Jgd.CAC, Res.Jgd.VDH
Cuantroime Aireamh, Zwischenklasse, V1, CAC,VDH,BR,BOB
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Zwischenklasse V1, CAC, VDH, BH
Dahmrak´s Fianait, Offene Klasse V2, Res.VDH
Dahmrak´s Pegasus Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH
Dahmrak´s Prinzess Jugendklasse V3
On 5/13/12 at the Euro Dog Show VDH / FCI in Dortmund won our Dahmraks Eoghan the title European Winner 2012th. His daughter, Dahmraks Morgaine wins the title European Junior Winner 2012 BOB and 2nd place Best of Group and Dahmraks Jabura in the open class V1, Res.CAC / CACIB, VDH.
At 15.5 second cardiac ultrasound with O-points of Dahmraks Eoghan.
On 18/05/12 fought on the FCI world Dog Show in Salzburg in her second major title Dahmraks Morgaine world youth champion in 2012 under strong international competitors. Dahmraks Jabura reached in the open class V4.
On 5/19/12 at the World Club Winner of ÖKZV Morgaine in Salzburg won the third title in the junior class World Club Winner 2012 and Jabura got in open class V2, Res .CACA
On days like this one is so close to heaven.
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.BOB
Dahmrak´s Jabura, Offene Klasse V2, Res.CACA
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Jugendklasse V1
Dahmrak´s Jabura V1, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC, Res.CACIB, VDH
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BOB
Dahmrak´s Eoghan V1, Siegerklasse V1, VDH, CACIB
Dahmrak´s Jabura V1, Offene Klasse V1, Res.CAC, Res.CACIB, VDH
Dahmrak´s Morgaine, Jugendklasse V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BOB
" Landessieger Nordbayern 2012"
Dahmrak´s Jabura V1, Offene Klasse V3
Dahmrak´s Pegasus Jüngstenklasse VV1
Dahmrak´s Prinzess Jüngstenklasse VV1, Jüngsten BOB
We wish all our friends a contemplative Advent time.
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Our new house for the puppies.
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Dahmrak´s Hanlon,V1, CAC, VDH, CACIB, BOB
We are very glad about the great success from Hanlon,
this is the third Bundessiegertitel with BOB successively.
Dahmraks Eoghan Bundessieger and BOB 2010
Dahmraks Viviane Bundessieger and BOB 2009
Dahmrak´s Jole,V1, CAC, VDH, Dt.CAC
We are very glad about the success from Dahmraks Jole in Italy
and we gratulate the owner Galli Marcella.
Dahmrak´s Jabura, V1, VDH
Dahmrak´s Fionagh, V2, Res.CAC, Res.VDH
Dahmrak´s Jabura, V1, Res.CAC, VDH
Dahmrak´s Fianait, V1, CAC, VDH, BH, BOB
Dahmrak´s Jabura V1, Jgd.CAC und VDH, "" 50 jähr.Jgd.Jubiläums und Jgd.Verbandssieger 2011""
Dahmrak´s Eoghan V1, CAC, VDH, Br, BOB, "" 50 jähr. Jubiläums und Verbandssieger 2011""
Now we are 15 years members in the DWZRV and we are very happy that our Dahmraks Eoghan wins the 15 Verbandssiegertitel for our kennel.
Dahmrak´s Jabura, V1, Jgd.CAC und VDH, BH, Jgd.BOB und BOB, "" Jgd.Best in SHOW""
Dahmrak´s Donagh,V1, CAC, VDH
Dahmrak´s Jannis,V2,Res.Jgd.VDH/CAC
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,CAC, VDH, BOS, BR, "Landessieger Nordbayern 2011"
Dahmrak´s Jabura,V1, VDH, Res.CAC
Dahmrak´s Gwenifar,V1, CAC,VDH,BH,BOB,"Landessieger Nordbayern 2011
Dahmrak´s Hanlon,V1, Jgd.CAC, Jgd.VDH, BOS
Dahmrak´s Hanlon,sg3
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V4
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V2, Res.VDH
Dahmrak´s Jabura,V3
Dahmrak´s Hanlon,V1,CAC,VDH,BOB,BR
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V1,CAC,VDH,BH,BOS
Dahmrak´s Jabura,V2,Res.Jgd.CAC/VDH
Dahmrak´s Jannis,sg3
We wish all our friends Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
How every year we finished the show season with the attendance on the BUNDESSIEGERSHOW in Dortmund. Judge was the famous Mrs. Dagmar Kenis-Pordham (Kennel Solstrand in England). We were very enjoyed that two dogs from our kennel are winning two titels from this great show.
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,CAC,VDH,CACIB,BOB, "BUNDESSIEGER 2010"
Dahmrak´s Hanlon,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH, "Bundesjugendsieger 2010"
Dahmrak´s Donagh,V2,Res.VDH
Dahmrak´s Herman,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB, "Landesjugendsieger-Rheinland"
Juniorchampion DWZRV with three shows.
Dahmrak´s Hanlon,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB,BR und BOB
Dahmrak´s Fionagh,V1,CAC,VDH,BH
Dahmrak´s Donagh,V3
Dahmrak´s Jannis,VV1,Jüngsten BOB
Dahmraks Xcellente, V2,Res.CAC,Res.VDH
Dahmrak´s Herman,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH
Wir gratulate family Hermann to this secound success.
Dahmrak´s Hanlon,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB,"Jgd.Best in Show"
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,CAC,VDH,BR,BOB
Dahmrak´s Gwenifhar,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,BH
Dahmrak´s Fionagh,V1,CAC,VDH
Dahmrak´s Blaithnait,V2,Res.CAC,Res.VDH
Dahmrak´s Imogen,VV1,Jüngsten BOB
Dahmrak´s Zeus,V1,Res.VDH,Res.CAC
Dahmrak´s Herman,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB,BR
We gratulate family Hermann for this success.
The third heart screnning from Dahmraks Newcomer with six yaers was the result 0 points and Dahmraks Saraid has the secound heart screnning with 0 points.
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,VDH
Dahmrak´s Donagh,sg
Dahmrak´s Ciara,V
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V
Dahmrak´s Viviane,V
Dahmrak´s Eileen,V
Dahmrak´s Blaitnaid,sg
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V3
Dahmrak´s Donagh,V3
Dahmrak´s Ciara,V
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V3
Dahmrak´s Viviane,V2,VDH
Dahmrak´s Eileen,V
Dahmrak´s Blaitnaid,V
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,"Landesjugendsieger"
Dahmrak´s Donagh,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,BOB,"Landesjugendsieger"
Dahmrak´s Ciara,V1,VDH,Res.CAC
Dahmrak´s Eileen,V3
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,sg2
Dahmrak´s Fionagh,sg1
Dahmrak´s Gwenifar,sg1
Dahmrak´s Eileen,sg2
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,BR "VERBANDSJUGENDSIEGER 2010"
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V2,Res.Jgd.CAC
Dahmrak´s Ciara,V3
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,CAC,VDH,BR
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V2,Res.VDH
Dahmraks´s Donagh, V1,CAC,VDH,BH,BOB
Dahmraks´s Fionagh, V3
Dahmraks Eileen, V2,Res.Jgd.CAC
Dahmrak´s Eoghan and Dahmrak´s Fianait are german club junior champions.
The third heart screnning from Dahmraks Kidney was the result 0 points and Dahmraks Eoghan has the first heart screnning with 0 points.
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH, "Europajugendsieger"
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V2,Res.Jgd.CAC,Res.Jgd.VDH
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB,BR "Landesjugendsieger Greppin"
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH, "Landesjugendsieger Greppin"
Dahmraks´s Donagh, V2,Res.CAC,Res.VDH
Dahmraks´s Briana, V1,VDH
Dahmrak´s Eoghan,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH,Jgd.BOB, "Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern"
Dahmrak´s Fianait,V1,Jgd.CAC,Jgd.VDH, "Landesjugendsieger Nordbayern"
Dahmraks´s Ciara, V1,CAC,VDH,BEH, "Landessieger Nordbayern"
The showsaison 2009 is finished.
Our Dahmraks IW´s where very successful:
Landessieger Nordbayern 2009
Bundessieger 2009
Winner Donaueschingen2009
Norwegischer Champion
3 Deutsche Champions und 2 Jugendchampions
10x Best in Show
In the future we give all Dahmraks dogs and their owners
all good wishes for shows and breeding.